Saturday, December 21, 2013

DIY Hairmasks & Beauty Tips

by Daisy
Now, I’m not a beauty expert. I’m probably nowhere near as experienced with makeup and hair care as 90% of the other girls in my school, or girls in general, but I’m starting to really get into all the little things like eyeliner and such. I’m also very devoted to growing out my hair too, so I thought maybe I could give a little bit of insight to my experiences and maybe give you a few tips that I’ve learned along the way.

When it comes to beauty, the number one thing that I have always been very anal about is my hair. If it doesn’t look a certain way or fall right or is too stringy or too flat or too big, I get really upset about it. My hair may not be as perfect, as long or as beautiful as other girls’, but I do try hard to make it look nice and healthy. I try not to put heat on it, but who am I kidding? Almost no one likes their natural hair; there are really few that do. So I cave and straighten it or curl it so it looks nice. Putting heat on your hair can really damage it though, so here are some tips that I can offer you and that I try to follow as well.
On the weekends (or weekdays), if I’m not going anywhere and am staying at home or inside all day, I don’t style it. It’s kind of like, who am I trying to impress? My family? They know me and don’t really care what I look like so I let it go natural. Also, if you can try and find ways to style your hair without using any heat or products, some simple suggestions are: putting your hair in a bun or ponytail, pulling it all to one side, braiding it, or even putting in curlers when you go to bed at night. The reason you want to stay away from heat is because it drys out your hair and causes split ends. You don’t want your hair to be a broken, brittled mess. Did you know that your split ends can split all the way to the roots? That’s crazy, so I highly recommend taking good care of your hair.

One of the things I like to do is put in DIY hair masks. I’m not gonna’s kinda gross because DIY hair masks are mainly made up of household items like food and powders and oils. I’m not a master at mixing and creating my hair masks, but it gets the job done when it comes to split ends. I usually use a spoonful or two of mayonnaise (yuck!) some olive oil, 2 eggs, and honey, with a dash of cinnamon. The cinnamon doesn’t really do anything for your hair but the mixture tends to smell really bad, so I put that in so I’m disgusted by the smell.

Go online and look up hair mask recipes that suit you and then apply it in the shower. You’re supposed to thoroughly apply it to your hair and leave it in for about 10-30
minutes. What I do is I’ll apply it and put a shower cap on and go watch an episode of American Dad on Netflix while I wait. Once time is up, go rinse out your mask and make sure that you get it all out - you don’t want any egg or mayo residue in it. Super gross. Finally, you shampoo and condition your hair as normal, and it should help with split ends. At least it did for me. I don’t want anyone to take my word for it, but this mask works for me, so it might for you.

I was never girly growing up. I was a really awkward tomboy. Recently, though, I’ve been trying to experiment more with this foreign concept. Makeup. *shudders* I seriously have no idea what I’m doing. Right now the best I can do is concealer, eyeliner sometimes, and mascara. To finish this article, a little tip that will probably help with ladies who make mistakes sometimes is that if you mess up, a little baby oil on a Q-tip does magic for makeup removal.

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